After install saiku plugin for Pentaho 5 available on marketplace, by default isn't possible export the saiku files (".saiku"). So, in this post I'll explain the configuration you need to do for have this feature. Stop your pentaho server; Open the file <pentaho-path>/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/importExport.xml ; Add " <entry key="saiku" value-ref="streamConverter"/> " to convertersMap map; Add " <entry key="saiku" value="text/xml"/> " to the map of NameBaseMimeResolver bean; Add " <value>.saiku</value> " to the list approvedExtensionList ; Start pentaho server again and try download one saiku file. As an example I leave this link for the file, after configured.
In the last days, I create an OpenShift quickstart for SuiteCRM . You can find the this openshift quickstart on GitHub . First you need create a Openshift on-line account and install the RHC client tools you can find out more in this page: Getting Started page . After you install RHC client you just need run the following command: rhc app create suitecrm php-5.3 mysql-5.1 --from-code= After the command above executed with success you can access the following URL: http://suitecrm-$ and I few seconds you will have your SuiteCRM created. The default credentials are username "admin", password "admin". And as you can see in few minutes you have your CRM installed running on OpenShift Cloud. Installation Config This quickstart use PHP 5.x and MySQL 5.x cartridges , and you can configure the automatic install these files: file1 and file2 (like SugarCRM). About S...