Since 14 of June, the PDI Apple push notification is available on Pentaho Marketplace. Now, PDI can send push notifications to the two most popular smartphones platforms.
Check out what Matt Carters (Chief Data Integration for Pentaho) say about plugins available on Pentaho marketplace in the Pentaho Big Data Architecture presentation of Pentaho London User Group event (at 18 minute):
Interested Links:
Pentaho Data Integration Marketplace Wiki: Link
Pentaho Data Integration Marketplace Source: Link
PDI Apple Push Notifications Plugin Wiki: Link
PDI Apple Push Notifications Plugin Source: Link
PDI Apple Push Notifications Plugin Artifacts: Link
PDI Manager Android App: Link
Check out what Matt Carters (Chief Data Integration for Pentaho) say about plugins available on Pentaho marketplace in the Pentaho Big Data Architecture presentation of Pentaho London User Group event (at 18 minute):
Interested Links:
Pentaho Data Integration Marketplace Wiki: Link
Pentaho Data Integration Marketplace Source: Link
PDI Apple Push Notifications Plugin Wiki: Link
PDI Apple Push Notifications Plugin Source: Link
PDI Apple Push Notifications Plugin Artifacts: Link
PDI Manager Android App: Link