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Now is possible you receive push notifications from Pentaho Data Integration

As I said in my first post in my blog, there are two things I want share with you:
  • PDI Android Push Notifications Plugin: This is a plugin that permit to you send push notifications from Pentaho Data Integration to any android application that enable GCM service. This plugin is written in Scala!!! Check out: Note: this plugin yet is a release candidate.
  • PDI Manager Android App: Is a Android App that enable to you receive push notifications from PDI.

About PDI Android Push Notification Plugin

  1. You need Pentaho Data Integration installed;
  2. Download  the plugin from sourceforce, you can find in this link;
  3. Stop your Pentaho Data Integration if it's running;
  4. Uncompress AndroidPushNotification file;
  5. Copy AndroidPushNotification folder to <pdi-folder-installation>/plugins/steps; 
  6. Start your Data Integration and enjoy :-).
You need to be familiar with GCM (Google Cloud Messaging for Android), you can read more about this service in this link. As I say, this plugin is designed for send push notifications to any android application because all most important parameters are configurable.

Main Options screen

Properties screen

For sending push notification to PDI Manager Android App
In this moment, PDI Manager is very young :-), so it's only configured to receive four properties inside the push Status, Project, Date and Data
Use the follow API Key: 
See the image example below:
A little sampe.

In the next few days I will provide a better documentation. For now, I think this post help you test this new solution.

PS: Feel free to comment and if you find a bug or you have a idea for this solution, you can create a issue or pull request on GitHub